Friday, June 09, 2006

Bulls in Shining Armor Saves the Day in Planet Stock

Imagine the following scenario. Its a black gloomy day on the roads of Planet Stocks and the renegade bears are running and ramaging through the streets. For days, the bears have been taking out their arch-rival, the bulls. It was chaos everywhere on the planet. This was when many of the less courageous bears decide to take to the streets, after monitoring the big bears for days.

Then suddenly, you see a horde of bulls in shining armor (cause the market is "cheap" now) running against the direction of the bears. Well physchologically, some of the more experienced bears turned back and ran ahead of the bulls, some of the bears went head-on hoping they have sufficient comrades who will flatten their counter-nemesis. But to their surprise, these bulls seem to fight well in their new shiny armor and they are united for sure (well at least for today).

This story was so apt for the behaviour of the US markets yesterday and the Asian markets today. Down Jones did a 177 point u-turned, Nikkei did a much more impressive 300+ point u-turn and needless to say the other asian markets which look up to Nikkei as a leading indicator.

Mock trade for S&P500 June was activated during the massive selling in the US markets @ 1245.00. The fact is the S&P rallied back up to the 1258 level thereafter but physchologically understanding myself, i would have cutloss @ 1240.00 having seeing the market drop further to 1235.00. I am just one of the bulls in shining armor who ran back upon fighting with the bears. Hahaha.